Who we are: The Rupert Leisures is a volunteer group whose purpose it is to provide a forum for senior citizens, to socialize while enjoying a monthly lunch in a cordial atmosphere. Persons Aged 60 and up can become members. Younger guests are welcome to attend. This is provided under the auspices of the Southwestern Vermont Council on Aging.
The council can be reached at 802-786-5991
What We Do: A Noon Luncheon is provided on the 2nd Wednesday of each month (except Jan., Feb., and August), and is catered by Chef Mike McKeighan of Rupert, VT. Tables are decorated with themes of the season, and often a program presentation is offered that is designed to be interesting, entertaining, and/or helpful to the group. Raffles, auctions, and door prizes are often a part of our exciting environment. Volunteers from Merck Forest & Farmland often assist at the luncheons, providing a gift of friendship to our Seniors that is greatly appreciated.
When: 2nd Wednesday of each month (with the exception of January, February, and August)
Where: Rupert, VT Firehouse, State Route 30, Rupert, VT.
Luncheons: Luncheons are catered by Mike McKeighan of Rupert, VT, according to COA’s guidelines for good nutrition. Suggested donation is $3.50.
Programs and Entertainment – WILL RESUME AT A LATER DATE
Games and Card Group – Meets the 1st, 3rd, and 4th Wednesday each month at the Kittay Public Library at 1PM. We do not meet on the 2nd Wednesday due to the Luncheon Event. The game of Canasta, called “Hand, Knee, and Foot” is the popular choice of the group of 12). The Cards and Games Group of Rupert welcomes anyone who enjoys playing cards and/or games. You may bring any game of your choosing. For those interested in learning Hand and Foot and are new to this version of Canasta, our group is willing to teach it to you. Printed rules are also available for you to use.
RAVNAH Foot Care Clinic. Will resume at a later date.
Cost $10. Morning hours are available.